School – Where Fantasy and Creativity go to Die

Parents tend to be concerned about their children’s proper development. For it is their responsibility to provide the kids with all the conditions necessary, most of the time they are eager to be in control of all elements that might interfere with this process of development. One crucial question of the many is, whether children can detect fantasy or they confuse it with reality. It is a perfectly valid worry on the parent’s behalf. According to Piaget (1929), children are unable to tell the differences between fantasy and the real…

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Innate treasure

Throughout history, humanity has always been eager to find out where it comes from. We are born: that is for sure. The question is the following: what do we bring with ourselves at the very moment of our birth? There are many theories concerning this riddle, trying to perceive whether innate human nature exists or whether we are born pure and  plain without any previous influence from a time before birth. According to John Locke, an English philosopher from the 17th century, all people are born “tabula rasa”. The Latin…

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Pancreatic cancer – the silent killer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal and aggressive forms of cancer. This type of cancer occurs when cells in the pancreas start to multiply out of control and form a mass. Tragically, these cells then have the ability to attack other parts and organs in the human body. Pancreatic cancer has a great number of types. Amongst those, the most common is pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which accounts for 85% of the cases. Sometimes the term „pancreatic cancer” is used to refer only to this type. Between 1% and 2%…

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Top 5 angoltanulós app

Mind tudjuk, hogy nagyon fontos a nyelvtudás. Gyerekkorunk óta sulykolják ezt belénk, azonban vannak olyanok, akik ezt az évek során elhanyagolták és most isszák meg ennek a levét, ugyanis a diploma előfeltétele egy középfokú nyelvvizsga. Összeszedtem nektek a legjobb alkalmazásokat, nem csak nyelvvizsga előtt állóknak, amik segítenek fejleszteni az angoltudásotokat. Anki Az Anki a kedvenc tanulós applikációm. Nem csak nyelveket lehet vele tanulni, hanem magolósabb tárgyakban, mint például az állatrendszertan, is segít. Tulajdonképpen egyszerű elven működik, szókártyákat mutat nekünk, amelyeket mi írhatunk meg, és mappákba is rendezhetjük. Be lehet állítani,…

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Critical thinking – A crucial skill

As a soon-to-be teacher the phenomenon of university students not being able to express their opinions on everyday matters such as news or elections is quite frightening. It is my personal belief that this problem can possibly be derived from the years spent in school, especially high school. Unfortunately, today’s Hungarian education system is not interested in children’s personal thoughts or point of views, it is only interested in scores and grades. Our teaching methods usually do not promote critical thinking. The average situation is that the teacher talks and…

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Three Billy Goats Gruff Once upon a time there were three Billy Goats Gruff; Little Billy Goat, Middle Sized Billy Goat and Great Big Billy Goat, who lived in a field in a green valley.  They loved eating sweet grass, but sadly their field became brown and barren because they were greedy goats and they’d eaten every last blade of grass.  They were still hungry anyway. In the distance they could see a field that was full of lush sweet scrummy grass, but alas there was only one way to…

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EmDrive – Throwing Physics out the Window?

Despite the extensive scepticism, the idea of the EmDrive and similar reactionless thrusters crops up from time-to-time in the scientific community. Many scientists are quick to dismiss these ideas as pseudoscientific, sensationalist and thrill-seeking click-baits. But should the rejection of these ideas be so quick?

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